Biography of Justice Supreme Court Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari Zia ul Ummat, RA

There are several biographies already available several biographies [bb , cc] about His Holiness Hadzrat Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari, RA, known as Zia ul Ummat, RA, (Shah in the Indian subcontinent refers to the tribe of Quraysh in the Arabian Peninsula. Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah’s lineage, on this basis, links him to this ancient Arabian tribe, which is the tribe of the Prophet of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, SAWS. Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah’s ancestry is traced back to Habbar ibn al-Aswad al-Qurashi, RA, who accepted the religion of Islam, after the conquest of Makka, at the hands of Muhammad, SAWS, and thus became a Companion (Sahabi). Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah’s father is Shaykh Muhammad Shah, RA, who was born in Bhera in the year 1890, and his mother’s name is Kaniz Fatima, RA, who is the daughter of Ghulam Muhyuddin Shah, RA). We have preferred the present biography because it is quite concise and very reliable, there is also a second reason to have selected this biography. Infact the General Post Office of Pakistan has issued in April 2004 0.5 million stamps of 2.Rupee each in the size of 34x29mm (size of print 30x25mm with 13C perforation) collected in 20 stamps for each sheet. Along a certain number of stamp the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications supplies also the biography of His Holiness Hadzrat Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari, RA, known as Zia ul Ummat, RA. Thus we have adopted this biography also to His Holiness Hadzrat Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari, RA, known as Zia ul Ummat, RA, show that what is written is approved by several personalities in the various Ministry of Pakistan. We will integrate this biography, quoted all along with other data in Italic and at the end we will add our humble impressions because it is not for anyone to have the fortune to accompany with a real Saint. But one issue we would like to bring to the attention of the reader immediately, very few persons who interacted with His Holiness Hadzrat Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari, RA, known as Zia ul Ummat, RA, had the impression he was a real saint, he, RA, was earning his respect behaving absolutely like anyone else, rather he was somewhat annoyed every time his “superpowers” were requested. Except at the beginning of our association with him – let us say for the first two or three times – we had always the impression that he was simultaneously conscious of his being operating in the three different domains, physical, psychical and spiritual.


Late Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari, RA, known as Zia-ul-Ummat, RA, former Sajjada Nasheen Astana Awlia Ghauthia Bhera Sharif. Pir and Judge Supreme Court of Pakistan Bhera, District Sargodha. Born in Bhera May 27 1920; belongs to Qureshi Hashmi family, descendent of Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Almeen Bahe-ud-Din Abu Muhammad Zakria, RA, of Multan; his first male son Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah is M.A. Panjab University Lahore and M.A. (Fazal) Jamia Ummul Qurra Makkah Mukaramah K.S.A.

Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Sahib, RA, had the privilege of reciting Azaan (call for prayer) and prayer in the Peoples Hall in Beijing, China in 1980; has constructed a complex of buildings for Darul Uloom Mohammadia Ghuthia founded by him at his return from Al-Azhar University. The reason of the foundation of the Darul Uloom system by His Holiness is based on his father pledge. At the farewell ceremony prior to his departure to Al-Azhar, Cairo. Egypt, the father of His Holiness, Pir Muhammad Ghazi Islam, RA, said to his son: “When you will return I will kiss the land where you will walk and I will buy a car for you with a laud speaker so that you will propagate the love for our Prophet, SAWS, around the country”. As narrated by His Holiness Zia ul Ummat, RA, taught several times about his father’s words during his permanence in Cairo and came to the conclusion that a car and a loudspeaker are not durable items but are perishable, thus he, RA, decided that the best durable and reliable loudspeaker is young well  motivated man, rather hundreds and hundreds of young well motivated men. Thus his holiness Zia ul Ummat, RA, decided that at his return in Pakistan he would have started a Dar ul Uloom in Behra with a new, innovative syllabi such to produce highly motivated young men to spread in every corner of Pakistan and the entire world. In fact at his return in Pakistan his holiness Zia ul Ummat, RA, developed a new syllabi for the new Dar ul Uloom which is still valid today. The facts confirm that each and every student of Dar ul Uloom is a highly motivated religious scholar capable of propag a ting the love for the Holy Prophet, SAWS, running free boarding and lodging for about 800 male students and 600 females who lodge in a separate institute for girls constructed suitable. Staff quarters for devoted teachers have been constructed in a separate enclosure. In front of the auditorium a beautiful and vast garden has been founded where helicopter can land. Spiritually connected with Darbar of Sial Sharif; Honour in Arabic from Punjab University 1942; Diploma in Islamic studies from Darul Uloom Mohammadia Ghausia, Bhera, in 1942 Sabad ub Dora Hadith received from Jamia Naeemia Muradabad U,P 1943, B.A. Punjab University 1945, M.A Honours in Islamic Law from Al-Azhar University, Cairo Egypt, 1951-54, Zia ul Ummat, RA,  established Darul-Uloom Mohammadia Ghausia on a new pattern of which he become principal president of Zia-ul-Quran publications Gunj Baksh Road, Lahore. Member central Roaate-Hilal committee from 1971 to 1989, Chairman central Rooat-e-Hilal committee from 1981 to 1986: Member Quaid-e-Azam University, Syndicate and Senate from 1986 to 1992. Trustee International Islamic University, Islamabad 1981-1985; Trustee of Dar. Muslehudin Islamic Trust Judge Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan from 1980 to 1987 Judge Supreme Court of Pakistan, Shariat Appellate Bench: Member Islamic University,  Bahawalpur Board of Governors 1964 to 1968. Member committee set up to consider Hijra Award 1986. Member National Hijra council of Pakistan. Member Religious supervisor Board of world Dar-ul-Mall Al-Islam Geneva 1981 to 1994. Member Committee set by the president of Pakistan consider form of government in Pakistan Ansari commission. Member Commission Islamization of Education in Pakistan. Chairman Board of selection of Teachers, Islamic University Azad Kashmir. Member Board of Governors Institute of Higher Islamic studies Mirpur Azad Kashmir. Sarprast-e-aala, sunni supreme council Jamaat-e-ahle sunnat, Pakistan. Member Ad-Dawat Al-Islamia-tul-Alamia he was awarded Sitara-e-Imtiaz by the president of Pakistan, Nowt-ul-Imtiaz awarded by the president Hoosni Mubarik President Republic of Egypt for his best performance in respect of national and international religious and other Islamic services. Read out maqala at National Seerat Conference held at Rawalpindi under the auspices of the Federal Government of Pakistan 1978. Participated at the First Islamic conference held at Karachi on behalf of the Federal Government of Pakistan. Read out maqala at the Nifaz-e-shariat conference held at Islamabad in October 1979. Attended 6 days Second World Islamic conference held at Islamabad. Between 15th march to 21st March, 1980,. Maqala in the First International Conference on scientific miracles revealed Quran and sunnah in October, 1987; read a maqala in the National Institute of public Administration at Peshawar in 1989 attended mashaikh and Ulema conventions held at Islamabad in 1981 and 1983. TRAVELS: Visited England at the invitation of World Islamic Mission and presided over its Annual session at different cities of England and delivered lectures on Islam and also visited Norway for preaching of Islam in 1977. Visited Russia as member of the delegation headed by the Federal Interior Minister of Pakistan to study the conditions of Muslims residing there. This delegation visited Russian Ulema on Invitation, visited China in Ulema delegation sent by the Government of Pakistan as leader between 5th and 19th September, 1980. Leader of Pakistan delegation visited India from 20th to 28th February, 1981. Visited Indonesia from 31st May to 9th June, 1982. Leader of the delegation sent by the Government Visited Maldives to attend Seminar from 7th to 14th January, 1983. Leader of Pakistan Delegation appeared before the 40th sub commission on prevention of discrimination and protection of minorities of U.N.O. at Geneva held on 8-8-1988 Visited privately for delivering lectures on Quran and Sunnah on different occasions,   Germany 1986, Turkey 1990, Egypt 1993, U.S.A. 1991, U.K. 1988. Visited U.S.A. in 1994 and was awarded Key of Jersey City by the Mayor of New Jersey. U.S.A. 

  1. Zia-ul-Quran 5 Volumes), Tafseer, Quran-e-Hakeem.
  2. Jamal-ul-Quran (Urdu Translation of Quran-e-Hakeem)
  3. Zia-un-Nabi, Seerat Rasool-e-Kareem, SAWS,  5 volumes) given first Seerat award by the Government of Azad Jamu and Kashmir in 1994. 
  4. Sunnat-e-khair anam, A book on Hadith 
  5. Translation and commentary in Urdu of Qaseeda Atiab-un-Nagham written by Shah Wali Ullah
  6. Maqalat  (2 volumes) 
  7. Rooit-e-Hilal in Pakistan
  8. A great number of other publications on various subjects.